Members present: William Cavanaugh, Mark Karlberg
George Fuller - Absent
Others Present: Richard Furlong, Rita Furlong, Josh Lombard, Robert Ronzio, Steve Turner, Ken Smith, Colleen O’Connor, Beth VanNess, Gale LaBelle, Nick Speranzo
7:00 PM Meeting opened.
It was announced that no one in the audience was audio taping the meeting.
Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: None.
Bill motioned to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2010 meeting as presented, Mark seconded. Motion passed. Bill motioned to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2010 meeting as presented, Mark seconded. Motion passed.
Public Input: Gale LaBelle addressed the Board regarding a vacancy of the associate member of the Planning Board. Barbara Stuhlmann has resigned and the Planning Board needs this member. Richard was not sure if the Selectmen appointed this member or if it is a joint appointment by both boards. Nina will put something on the website and in the Country Journal.
Ken Smith addressed the Board concerning wind turbine project. He gave the Selectmen a little background information. He stated that he did some research a couple of years ago about putting up a wind turbine for his cabinet business but was told that it would not be cost effective. He advised that about a year ago an energy regulation went into effect that would allow multiple users to benefit from a single energy source. He is asking the Selectmen to authorize Sustainable Energy Developments to submit an application to the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center for a grant to undertake a feasibility study for a wind turbine. If the study proves to be favorable for a wind turbine, the wind turbine might provide electrical power to some town owned buildings as well as other entities such as Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, Becket Chimney Corners YMCA Camp and some small businesses in town. He advised that the town is under no obligation to provide any funding or commitment to the
actual wind project. He wrote a letter to the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center that the Selectmen could sign if they wish to be the applicant of note for this feasibility study. Gale LaBelle advised that the town does not currently have a large scale wind turbine bylaw. She is currently applying for a grant through BRPC to possibly have a bylaw written for large scale wind turbines. Briefly discussed the wind turbine in the Town of Cummington. Bill motioned to allow the town to be listed as the applicant of note for the project outlined by Ken Smith, Mark seconded. Motion passed. Ken will keep the Board up to date.
The Selectmen reviewed the application to change the corporate name of the Becket General Store to Ozzie’s Becket General Store. Richard advised that this is just to have the name changed on the liquor license. Bill motioned to allow Becket General Store to change its corporate name to Ozzie’s Becket General Store, Mark seconded. Motion passed.
The Selectmen reviewed letter from the Massachusetts Municipal Association outlining voting procedures at the Annual Business Meeting on January 22, 2011. The Selectmen will not be attending this meeting.
Bill motioned to table voting to appoint member to the Zoning Board of Appeals until the next Selectmen’s meeting, Mark seconded. Josh Lombard, the chair of the ZBA asked why they are tabling this. Mark advised that his wife is interested but he cannot vote and George is not here to vote. Josh advised that he has someone else that is interested in being appointed to the ZBA. Mark advised that this person should submit a letter of interest before the next meeting so they could be considered for this position. Motion passed.
The Selectmen reviewed the email from Patricia Mullins from BRPC regarding the FY11 CDBG Application. This is to thank the Selectmen and all those who helped with the grant application.
The Selectmen reviewed the letters of thanks from the Town Administrator applicants. Gale asked why the Committee chairs were not invited to meet with the Town Administrator applicants. Bill advised that the meeting was open to the public but there were no invitations to the boards and committees. He advised that the Selectmen allowed public input at this meeting and it was overwhelming that most of the people at the meeting liked the candidate that the Selectmen chose. Richard advised that they are in the process of negotiating a contract with Robert Flanagan.
The Selectmen reviewed the monthly reports of the Ambulance Department, Police Department, Citations Issued and the Building Inspector. Richard advised that the new ambulance will be delivered on Thursday.
Any other business: Richard advised that there are four bridges on Route 20 that are scheduled for repair this year. If the Selectmen or any other departments wish to review the plans they are at the town hall.
Richard advised that the Hazardous Mitigation Plan is ready for review and the Selectmen need to review it. He will email the document but will not print it because it is very large. The section on Becket is only a couple of pages long.
Richard gave the Selectmen a copy of the email from Neil Toomey regarding Chapter 61 Right of First Refusal. He has given all the boards and committees that are involved with Chapter 61 copies of the draft of the Chapter 61 Right of First Refusal Process for review.
Richard advised that he has gotten a response from the people who run the Green Community Grant that essentially says that the town would need to have energy audits done on the town hall and the highway garage to see if the savings would be substantial enough to warrant funding for energy efficient projects.
Beth VanNess advised that she joined the green community grant program from Berkshire Regional Planning Commission.
Briefly discussed the Police Chief issue regarding retirement age.
Reviewed correspondence.
Briefly discussed writing a letter like the one that the Town of Dalton wrote to the school committee regarding any increases in the school budget. Bill does not feel that the school should be asking for an increase for the teachers when the town employees have not gotten a raise in a couple of years.
8:05 PM Bill motioned to adjourn, Mark seconded. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary George Fuller, Chairman